.abeceda Contemporary Music Festival


June 26 — 30, 2023 _ Bled, Slovenia





Monday, June 26, 2023 

Location: Bled castle



Pre-concert talk with composers and performers

Moderator: Urška Rihtaršič



Young Researchers VI. — Domen Kužnar — +Disposition

Anja Kralj, violin; Domen Kužnar, viola and composition; Manica Slapšak, viola; Miha Sever, piano



.abeceda [new music ensemble]



Darcy Copeland - WOLF [*premiere performance]

James Pecore - Postlude in C major [*premiere performance]
James Pecore - Drowsy Bumblebees 

Darcy Copeland - bluet (i): aporia 

Sean X. Quinn - brink [*premiere performance]


Oskar Longyka, violin; Anja Kralj, violin; Domen Kužnar, viola; Urban Megušar, cello; Tilen Lebar, saxophone; Urška Rihtaršič, harp; Tilen Draksler, conductor



Tuesday, June 27, 2023 

Location: Bled castle



Pre-concert talk with composers and performers

Moderator: Urška Rihtaršič



FORUM - Urban Megušar - Possible études for impossible times

Artist in residence: Urban Megušar


Urban Megušar, cello and composition



.abeceda [new music ensemble]



Maximiliano Soto - Espacio del Silencio [*premiere performance]

James Pecore - Metal Bluebirds

Claudia Sofia Alvarez - M.A.N.-T.R.A. 4.0 [*premiere performance]

Claudia Sofia Alvarez - Cinemática del cuerpo II [*premiere performance]

Tilen Lebar - Artep


Oskar Longyka, violin; Anja Kralj, violin; Domen Kužnar, viola; Urban Megušar, cello; Tilen Lebar, saxophone; Urška Rihtaršič, harp; Tilen Draksler, conductor



Wednesday, June 28, 2023 

Location: Bled Congress Centre



Pre-concert talk with composers and performers

Moderator: Urška Rihtaršič



Studio 8.1 — Maj Brinovec 

Curator: Maj Brinovec



Maj Brinovec - Čipka I 

Lan Podletnik Ašič - Sprehod v jesenskem gaju 

Samo Vidic - Mists 

Maj Brinovec - mokrocveteče rožce a 

Nejc Poljanec - new work for two flutes [*premiere performance]

Urška Pompe - Dan za dnem

Brina Kren - Casus Vatis [*premiere performance]


Hana Žvagen, flute; Hana Poljanec, flute; Maj Brinovec, saxophone; Svit Krumpačnik, saxophone



.abeceda [new music ensemble]



Alastair White - — Against Nothing [*premiere performance] 

Pia Reš - Lenient Fervent II.


Oskar Longyka, violin; Anja Kralj, violin; Domen Kužnar, viola; Urban Megušar, cello; Neža Zupanc, flute; Tilen Lebar, saxophone; Urška Rihtaršič, harp; Tilen Draksler, conductor



Thursday, June 29, 2023 

Location: Bled Congress Centre



Pre-concert talk with composers and performers

Moderator: Urška Rihtaršič



[.infra _ razvojni center]

Artist in residence: Samo Vidic



Samo Vidic - Voicelessness


.abeceda [new music ensemble]

Oskar Longyka, violin; Deyan Muc, violin; Domen Kužnar, viola; Urban Megušar, cello



.abeceda [new music ensemble]



Sean X. Quinn - bypass [*premiere performance] 

Darcy Copeland - contaminant  [*premiere performance] 

Maximiliano Soto - El susurro de las manos [*premiere performance]

Urban Megušar, cello



Friday, June 30, 2023 

Location: Bled Congress Centre



.abeceda [new music ensemble]



compositions by the participants of ‘precept.concept.percept VII.’ composition program

Pauli Uusitalo - Jousitrio
Marco Wedel - Gegen das Bewusstsein
Neža Zupanc - Waiting Time


Oskar Longyka, violin; Deyan Muc, violin; Domen Kužnar, viola; Urban Megušar, cello; Gašper Livk, double bass; Urška Rihtaršič, harp; Jan Kopač, guitar; Neža Zupanc, flute; Tilen Draksler, conductor



Pre-concert talk with composers and performers

Moderator: Urška Rihtaršič



.abeceda [new music ensemble]



Opus I. _ composition for .meta [Dré A. Hočevar, 2020/2021]


Oskar Longyka, violin; Domen Kužnar, viola; Urban Megušar, cello; Gašper Livk, double bass; Neža Zupanc, flute; Brina Kren, saxophone; Jan Kopač, guitar




Accompanying programme:


June 26 — 30, 2023 _ throughout the day

Bled Congress Centre and surrondings




[residency] is a development platform that brings together creators from various fields of art: instrumentalists, composers, dancers, writers, visual artists. Under the guidance of a selected curator, a group of artists engages in collective work, juxtaposition, and confrontation of diverse practices for several days, developing various art forms, and ultimately performing, installing, or intervening the space.


Concerts for children


Monday, June 26, 2023

Bled Congress Centre




Concert for children — Strings


.abeceda [new music ensemble]

Oskar Longyka, violin; Anja Kralj, violin; Domen Kužnar, viola; Urban Megušar, cello, Brina Kren, moderator


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Bled Congress Centre




Concert for children — Wind instruments


.abeceda [new music ensemble]

Neža Zupanc, flaute; Brina Kren, saxophone, moderatorka



Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Bled Congress Centre




Concert for children — Musical magic


.abeceda [new music ensemble]

Oskar Longyka, violin; Anja Kralj, violin; Domen Kužnar, viola; Urban Megušar, cello; Brina Kren, moderator; Pia Reš, composition


Thursday, June 29, 2023

Bled Congress Centre




Concert for children — Composer


.abeceda [new music ensemble]

Oskar Longyka, violin; Anja Kralj, violin; Domen Kužnar, viola; Urban Megušar, cello; Neža Zupanc, flute; Urška Rihtaršič, harp; Brina Kren, moderator


Friday, June 30, 2023

Bled Congress Centre




Concert for children — Conductor


.abeceda [new music ensemble]

Oskar Longyka, violin; Deyan Muc, violin; Domen Kužnar, viola; Urban Megušar, cello; Neža Zupanc, flute; Urška Rihtaršič, harp; Tilen Draksler, conductor; Brina Kren, moderator



[20. — 24. 6. 2022]

Bled Castle

Bled Congress Centre

26.—30. 6. 2023

Artistic director:
Dré A. Hočevar

Pia Reš


Zavod za kulturo Bled

Stichting .alfabet [Amsterdam, NL]

This program is supported by the Ministry of Culture in Slovenia


Supported by:

ARROI Restaurant

Restaurant and pizzeria Grajska Preža

Restaurant Špica


Rabljeni Kamini